Available bid requests. (Sorted by Item Description : ascending)
Category  Bid Open Date  Bid #  Item Description  Buyer #  Available Bid Actions
Over $25,000Jan 31, 2012RFQ-0070Professional and Managerial Services44View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Oct 01, 2019RFP-19003Professional-Architectural-Design-Services 53View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000May 28, 2013RFP-0376Program Evaluator(Math & Science Partnership Grant)53View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Apr 12, 2019RFP-616Project-Based Learning47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Jan 08, 2019RFP-605Property Management Services47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Mar 29, 2018RFP-588Property Management Services47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Jul 28, 2015RFP-0455Property Management Services44View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Jun 21, 2016RFP-493Provision of Behavioral Therapists and of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Services and Training 47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Oct 08, 2020NG10005Provision of Equitable Participation Services to Non-Public Schools47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 23, 2016RFP-500Purchase of School Buses47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid