Available bid requests. (Sorted by Bid Open Date : ascending)
Category  Bid Open Date  Bid #  Item Description  Buyer #  Available Bid Actions
Over $25,000Jul 10, 2012RFP-0332Instruction and Coaching for Title 1 Eligible Students and Teachers in Private Schools Under No Child Left Behind Act of 200153View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Jul 31, 2012RFP-0333School Based Services for Level K-3 Students Utilizing Volunteer Tutors and Mentors53View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0345CHLSale of School Property - Former George W. Childs Elementary School47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0344WLDSale of School Property - Former Frances Willard Elementary School47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0343MONSale of School Property - Education Services Building47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0342LEWSale of School Property - Former Ada Lewis Middle School47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0341GILSale of School Property - Former Elizabeth Gillespie Middle School47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0340ALCSale of School Property - Former Alcorn School Annex47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0339WALSale of School Property - Former Rudolph S. Walton Elementary School47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Aug 07, 2012RFP0338MHRSale of School Property - Former Simon Muhr Elementary School47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid