Available bid requests. (Sorted by Bid # : ascending)
Category  Bid Open Date  Bid #  Item Description  Buyer #  Available Bid Actions
Over $25,000Sep 26, 2017RFP-554Online Courses and Adaptive Instructional Programs47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Sep 12, 2017RFP-555403(b)/457(b) Investment Advisory Services Consultant47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Sep 12, 2017RFP-556Non-Bus Fleet Maintenance Program 44View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Oct 12, 2017RFP-558Teacher Retention and Goals Tracking Consulting Services47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Oct 13, 2017RFP-559Governmental Relations Consultant 44View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Oct 31, 2017RFP-560Print Services Consultant47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Dec 12, 2017RFP-561Computing and Mobile Devices47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Nov 21, 2017RFP-562Enterprise Resource Planning System47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Oct 31, 2017RFP-563Business Process Reengineering Project47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Nov 21, 2017RFP-564Internet Service Provider48View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid