Available bid requests. (Sorted by Bid # : ascending)
Category  Bid Open Date  Bid #  Item Description  Buyer #  Available Bid Actions
Over $25,000Mar 16, 2018RFP-584Green Storm Water Infrastructure Inspection and Maintenance 44View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Mar 27, 2018RFP-585Janitorial Strategic Sourcing47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Mar 27, 2018RFP-586Utility Billing Audit and Reporting47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Mar 20, 2018RFP-587Cellular Telecommunications Services47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Mar 29, 2018RFP-588Property Management Services47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Mar 23, 2018RFP-589Extended Day & Supportive Services for Immigrant, Refugee & Unaccompanied Minors 44View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Mar 22, 2018RFP-590Comprehensive College Readiness Programming for GEAR UP Partnership47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Apr 03, 2018RFP-591Legal Case Management System 44View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000May 15, 2018RFP-592Retirement Plan Providers 47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid
Over $25,000Jun 05, 2018RFP-593Online Cloud-Based Music Teaching System47View PrebidView SummaryRequest Bid