Welcome to the School District of Philadelphia translation archive. You will find here all the documents and materials that have been translated into the 8 major languages spoken by our students and families: Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, French, Khmer, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese.

The District’s Translation & Interpretation Center has created this page to make all our translations accessible. We hope you will find this site useful for supporting our multilingual families.

You can search through the list of documents by providing relevant keywords in the search box. Click the up and down arrows next to the table headings to sort by ascending or descending order. All documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader to open PDF files.

If you are having issues printing any of these documents from this site please make sure that you have checked the following:

  1. Updated your Adobe Reader to the latest version - www.adobe.com/reader
  2. Installed the latest printer driver for your model from the manufactures website
  3. Checked to make sure the printer is turned on and connected to the network

If you are still experiencing issues you can either call the I.T. Help Desk at 215-400-5555 or email the I.T. Help Desk at "helpdesk@philasd.org"  and someone will assist you with your issue.

If you are in doubt about a document and/or cannot find it here, it may be a Pennsylvania State-mandated special education document or form. Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website where State-mandated forms are available to download in 12 languages: http://www.pattan.net/category/Legal/Forms.

Available translated documents. (5270 documents in the database. Sorted by Code : descending. Viewing Page 121 of 264.)
Language  Code  Document Title  Multilingual Title  
ChinesewyzxI Care Report_4-8 (wyzx4C)
ChinesewyzxSchool Enrollment Flow Chart (wyzxFlow)
ChinesewyzxSchool Supplies List (SSL)开学日学生必备文具清单
ChinesewyzxParent Volunteer FAQ (wyzxFAQ)志愿者审核程序
ChinesewyzxComcast Letter to Parents (wyzxComcast)
ChinesewyzxHalf day unexcused absence policy (wyzxHalfDay)学生出勤规定新措施
ChinesewyzxLanguage Service Request Card (wyzxCard)
ChinesewyzxParent as First Teacher (wyzxFirst)您是子女第一个也是最重要的老师
ChinesewyzxParent’s Guide to Learning in the Digital Age (wyzxText)“数字时代的学习”家长指导讲座
ChinesewyzxParent University ESL Class Flyer家长大学成人英语班传单
ChinesewyzxA friendly reminder of requesting language service会前请求口译人员协助的友情提示
ChinesewyzxBullying Report Form (wyzxBReport)欺凌事件举报表
ChinesewyzxHigh School Welcome Wagon (wyzxWagon)
ChinesewyzxRtII Parent Notice (wyzxRTII)
ChinesewyzxParent-to-Parent Mix & Mingle Event Flyer-Template (wyzxMingleFlyer)
ChinesewyzxParent-to-Parent Mix & Mingle Event-Template (wyzxMingle)
ChinesewyzxFamilyNet Flyer“家庭联网”传单
ChinesewyzxGEAR UP BrochureGEAR UP (为学生升入高校做准备项目)小册子
ChinesewyzxParent Resource Center Information家长家庭资料中心情况介绍
ChinesewyzxParent University Admission Procedure家长大学登记手续