Welcome to the School District of Philadelphia translation archive. You will find here all the documents and materials that have been translated into the 8 major languages spoken by our students and families: Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, French, Khmer, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese.

The District’s Translation & Interpretation Center has created this page to make all our translations accessible. We hope you will find this site useful for supporting our multilingual families.

You can search through the list of documents by providing relevant keywords in the search box. Click the up and down arrows next to the table headings to sort by ascending or descending order. All documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader to open PDF files.

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  1. Updated your Adobe Reader to the latest version - www.adobe.com/reader
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  3. Checked to make sure the printer is turned on and connected to the network

If you are still experiencing issues you can either call the I.T. Help Desk at 215-400-5555 or email the I.T. Help Desk at "helpdesk@philasd.org"  and someone will assist you with your issue.

If you are in doubt about a document and/or cannot find it here, it may be a Pennsylvania State-mandated special education document or form. Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website where State-mandated forms are available to download in 12 languages: http://www.pattan.net/category/Legal/Forms.

Available translated documents. (5270 documents in the database. Sorted by Multilingual Title : descending. Viewing Page 34 of 264.)
Language  Code  Document Title  Multilingual Title  
ArabicxzwyEntryEnglish Learner Entry Notificationإشعار دخول برنامج اللغة الإنجليزية للمتكلمين بغيرها
ArabicyxwzParent-Teacher Conference Notice (yxwzNote)إشعار باجتماع الأهل والمعلم
ArabiccsxyUnderstanding Your Child's Behavior (csxyBev)إسْتِيعاب سلوك طفلك
ArabicwyzxParent University Admission Procedureإجراءات القبول في جامعة الأهل
ArabicwxyzSchool Readiness Goals (wxyzReady)أهداف الاستعداد للمدرسة
Arabic5560Class Rules (5560Rules)أنظمة الصف الدراسي
ArabichxyzUpdated Immunization Requirements (hxyzNew)أنظمة التحصين المدرسي
ArabicwyzxParent as First Teacher (wyzxFirst)أنت معلم طفلك الأول والأهم
ArabicxwzyI Care Card (xwzyCare)أنا أهنم
ArabicwxyzFamily Fun Nights Flyer (wxyzFun)أمسية المرح العائلي
Arabic7220Parent Notification regarding ALEKSأعلام للأهل بشأن برنامج ألكس (برنامج على الانترنت لتعليم الرياضيات)
ArabicwyxzHigh School Selection FAQ (wyxzFAQ)أسئلة يكثر السؤال فيها للمدرسة الثانوية
ArabicPVAPhiladelphia Virtual Academy FAQs (PVAFAQ)أسئلة يكثر الاستفسار فيها عن أكاديمية فيلادلفيا الظاهرية
ArabicxzwyQuestions and Answers-Services and information for ELL’s and their parents (xzwySRC)أسئلة وأجوبة -- خدمات ومعلومات لمتعلمي اللغة الانجليزية ولأهاليهم
ArabicwzxyCharter School FAQs (wzxyFAQ)أسئلة شائعة للمدرسة المتخصصة
RussianxwzySAC Summit (SacSummit)Школьный Консультативный Комитет САММИТ
RussianwyxzEL-MS Selection List of Schools (wyxzEMSelect)ШКОЛЫ, ИМЕЮЩИЕ СВОБОДНЫЕ МЕСТА ДЛЯ ПРИЕМА В 2014 ГОДУ
RussianwxyzKindergarten Checklist (wxyzChecklist)Что умеет делать Ваш ребенок
RussianwzxyCharter School FAQs (wzxyFAQ)Часто задаваемые вопросы о чартерных школах
RussianPVAPhiladelphia Virtual Academy FAQs (PVAFAQ)Часто Задаваемые Вопросы о Филадельфийской Виртуальной Академии